#Soxtober 2019 - who has taken out the grand prize?
// By Kevin Moody

After an incredible response to the 2019 #Soxtober selfie contest it's time to reveal the winner
Once again Cocksox fans have shown how amazing they are by making this the best #Soxtober yet. Entries were received from across the globe, with our fans showing off their Cocksox in all manner of poses and places.
The 31 daily prize winners already have their gift cards in hand and are picking their new pairs as we speak. We truly appreciate every single entry we received, the level of dedication this year has left us astounded. Honourable mentions go to the likes of greg.banas, 2018 grand prize winner marcdelavignex, and thongdude82 for outstanding entries like these.

We would also like to make a special mention of thongdude82 and undiezguy for entertaining Cocksox fans on Instagram and Twitter with their daily posts right through the month. Thanks also to prolific posters like my35love53, UnderwearSox and others for their exceptional efforts this #Soxtober.
With the standard set so high, it took an entry that truly captured the spirit of #Soxtober to come out on top. Following on from last year's Halloween themed winning entry, there was once again a post that summoned paranormal powers to secure an immortal triumph.

Using our recent Day of the Dead collection as inspiration, PapimaloG28 captured the celebration of colour and fun with his entry featuring our Calavera print underwear briefs.
When we got in touch with PapimaloG28 with the news, he told us of the inspirations behind the picture and why it has been a very special month for him:-
"This #Soxtober I was inspired by remembering all the loved ones that are not with us anymore. Your body can be gone, but your memory will always be in my heart.
This October has been amazing for me, as I became a US citizen meaning I can now travel freely - and now this! Cocksox is a unique brand and so very supportive. Cocksox does not distinguish between body type, colour or race - they are made for EVERYBODY!"
We couldn't have said it any better ourselves, and we would like to thank our fans worldwide for their contributions to #Soxtober. We are truly humbled by your support.
Make sure you check out the #Soxtober 2019 Pinterest Board with a selection of the best entries from this year's contest. We can't wait to do it all again next year!
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